

Cross Country (B & C divs)

Cross Country race is run by 6 runners from each team, with the fastest 4 runners’ positions added together. The team with the smallest total wins.

Last year, our Cross Country team won the C-division Championship title, while our B-boys tied in points (34 points) with ACS(I) after the race, only to lose on countback with their 4th runner coming in faster than ours. As such, we were second in the B-division last year! It was already the best results so far in our history, considering we even tied in points with the eventual winner! The last time we had won a B-division title remains to be in 2003!

After that close lost, the team move on stronger and more focused to launch another concerted effort towards another breakthrough. On the morning of our Founder’s Day, our B-division team, not only reclaimed the title last won in 2003, together with our C-division team, achieved for the first time in our history the Double Championship Titles in Cross Country!

To add to that, our A-division Boys and Girls teams clinched the Double Championship titles as well! This certainly has to go down as a historic moment winning the quadruple titles in Cross Country for the first time!

C-boys (out of 367 boys)

5th – Yu Zhenning 2I3

9th – Low Jit Yong Ernest 2I2

17th – Dai Hexuan 1I1

19th – Soo Wee Han, Henry 2A2

27th – Tristan Ng Chong Xu 2O3

B-boys (out of 390 boys)

2nd – Joshua Rajendran 4S2

6th – Chew Yue Bin 3B1

8th – Aeron Young Liren 3A3

12th – Yeo Zhi Yan 4O1

Well done Cross Country Team!

Posted on iEMB by Mr Tok Aik Lin, PC/PE & CCA on 1 Apr 2018