57th National Track & Field


8 to 29 April 2016 , National Stadium

Organised by Singapore Schools Sports Council


800 m

Ethan Tan (2P1) ran bravely when he pulled away from the field in the two-round race to finish off strongly for a silver medal in the C-Boys 800m race! Well done Ethan!

In the B-Boys 800m event, Chua Jiawei (3P3) came off a bout of flu and fever the few days before, to fight back to a 7th position finish, with 2 points! Very good effort Jiawei!

1500 m C Boys

In Ethan’s next event, Yeo Zhi Yan (2O2), Joshua Rajendran (2P3) and Ethan Tan (2P1) have to face the 800 m Champion again…In this three and three quarter round race, they ran tactically and paced themselves patiently. At the start of the last round, Ethan raced off to start the sprint to the finish, causing a flurry of decisions to be made by other runners. His tactics paid off, with him winning a second silver in the middle distance events! The last time one of our boys won medals in these two events in the same year was in 2011 (Dai Nan Tian)!

Joshua and Zhiyan fought bravely in the gruelling last round to earn us another 4 points, 6th and 8th respectively. HCI 11-0 RI in this race!

Well done runners!

3000 m

In the B-Boys 3000 m event, Er Wen Han (4O3) came back with a plucky run with a time of 9min 51.38s to win the Bronze medal!

His average time is actually equivalent to a 2.4km run with a time of 7min 53s…except that he ran at this pace for another 600m more

Well done Wen Han!

In the C-Boys 3000m, Joshua Rajendran (2P3) and Yeo Zhi Yan (2O2) ran bravely in the early morning heat to fight off a strong RI challenge, and emerged 2nd and 7th respectively. As a result, we have continued to stay ahead of RI and pulled point by point away. Good fight Joshua and Zhi Yan!

2000 m Steeplechase

In the B-Boys steeplechase event, where one has to overcome 18 hurdles and 5 water jumps, our small dynamo Wen Han (4O3) certainly does not have any advantage in this. However, he fought his disadvantage all the way to manage a 5th place finish with a respectable time of 6min 56.33s.

Good effort Wen Han!